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Recent Movie Reviews

6 Movie Reviews

As a brony...

I find this hilarious! While I may love the show and even do more pony associated things than some fans would, I still see the creepiness that this flash points out. As for wanting to "taste the magic" (uggh), I think you'd have to already be a furry or something like that to want to go that far.

As for the list that JakBaronKing made, it's not bad. I wouldn't put "buying a toy or two" as concerning. I have a Rainbow Dash shirt, but that's it. Treat it more like Otakus and make it "I HAVE ALL THE MERCHANDISE!" as concerning.

Anyway, good job guys, this got me to genuinely laugh, and that's becoming increasingly rare with Newgrounds' content.

Well then...

Good to know I no longer have a reason to watch any new additions to the awesome series.

Before anyone says anything about my review, yes this is a review and yes I will talk about how his old works are better, because they are.

Now then, ahem, to put it lightly... this was exactly what you intended to show us, shit. The entire first half of the flash was a joke about the sketches Cole does, which admittedly is worth a chuckle, but only a chuckle. The second half of the flash is about... well basically nothing but the chief looking at the sketches. And it all goes to the twist ending of a sketch of poop, classy.

This animation truly sucked! I can accept that it was short in length, that's entirely fine, but what I can't accept is that you didn't even make an attempt in the time that you devoted to making this flash. You pointed out one obvious thing that happens and exaggerated it a little bit. That's an okay observation, but doesn't merit half the length of the entire flash animation. Either come up with something better or don't waste your time.

And what was with the second half of this? Oh, the chief thought it was cool that he sketched decently, haha. Forgetting the fact that the real chief would probably shoot Cole in the foot for sketching rather than taking actual notes, this scene provides nothing. No jokes, no setup, no development for something else to happen, it's just there as padding for you to show a sketch of poop.

Honestly, what happened to the days when you tried? Not only has the length of your animations slowly been lowering, but the quality has been deteriorating too. Sure, the artwork is nicer, animation is smoother and cleaner, and the voices are good. But those do not make up for the fact that the content is so unthoughtful and stupid that it probably took you the time it takes to tween a ball to move across the screen to come up with them.

As it stands this is just crap and doesn't deserve to be even close to the daily feature. Hell, if it was a random user that uploaded it and not you it would probably be blammed like it should be.

Egoraptor, speaking as a fan of your works, you need to really take a look at what the script for you animation is. Sit down and make it something good before you put it out. Even if it takes more time to make because video games are played and remembered for longer than the course of a few weeks, your Metal Gear Awesome series proved that. I really hope you read this and have some sort of change of heart.

There, an actual honest review (which is more than I can say for most of the kiss-ups posted). Though because noone cares I doubt it'll even be read...

You get a three, 1 for good looks, 1 for good sound, and 1 for a hope of something that doesn't suck in the future (even though it's unlikely at this point)

A definite improvement

This was definitely better than the last one in several regards. First off, you put more work into the actual animation part and included much more movement which is always welcome in an animation.

The battle scene itself was definitely not bad for someone starting out. Anything I could point out would just be something that's solved by practice, so I'll leave it at that. It even had a few relatively unique things (the portals for example made it fun). Also, I like the look of the magic circles, they looked cool.

As for making the main character sound relatively emotionless, that's perfectly fine. I know people who sound like that all the time so it's not unheard of. I do hope to see an uncharacteristic burst of emotion when appropriate though.

There's certainly a great deal of potential in your animations and if you keep at it then I'm sure I'll see one of them in the Daily 1st Place in no time. Keep up the good work and just like last time I'll be looking forward to the next part.

Recent Game Reviews

12 Game Reviews

Fun game

This is definitely a fun game and for the most part I enjoyed playing it because the level designs were pretty good. It's quick paced, takes skill and reaction time, and is well designed and decently programmed. All around, it's a good game.

However, if there's one thing you should take a look at, it's nerfing that damn Phantos. Literally 100% of my boss related deaths were when I tried for new characters and Phantos was out. I can forgive the fact that he can turn on a dime, I can forgive that time slow doesn't slow him down, I can even forgive how fast he moves, BUT 90% of my deaths to him were because he spawned right on the boss as I delivered a hit to it or right on top of me as I was dodging a projectile from the boss. It's incredibly incredibly frustrating to deliver the last hit to a boss just to have him spawn there right as I hit, or to dodge a projectile and have him spawn right on top of me.
A good idea would be to do a getPosition on the cursor and based on the x position of it, spawn him on one side of the screen or the other. Or, to further prevent him spawning on top of the player, spawn him at the bottom or top and have him fly through the y axis based on how close the player is to the screen's edge.
Honestly, he's the only thing that breaks this game and takes out the skill required to beat the game because of his incredible ability to spawn right on top of you.

Anyway, I've complained enough, good work on the game, it was fun to play

pretty fun, not bad

This is a pretty fun little game and certainly not a bad time killer. I've looked at the site for this and most of the stuff I'd suggest adding are in the app.

However, one thing that is a problem for this (and may be for that) is the fact that the bombs appear in pretty easy to predict patterns. It was simple to figure out the pattern the bombs appeared in and then know exactly where to go until I reached a new speed for a new pattern (at least I assume that's the benchmark for a new pattern). If the patterns were to cycle randomly (and maybe only partially complete one and end with a new pattern) then that would add to the toughness.

Again, don't know how the app one works though (my phone is a crappy old one :x). Otherwise, not a bad game.

Buzzwerd responds:

Actually yeah, we do address that in the app version. The repeating patterns are much longer, and more randomized. Thanks though, glad you enjoyed it.

Another Great Game

Again, a very great game considering you used Flash for it. Everything that was good with it's predecessor is good with this as well.

Now for input (you said you were fine with walls of text last time so here we go!).

Improvements: It's quite a bit more difficult. I actually had to use a few medkits to keep from dying. The speed upgrade on one zombie and the spread upgrade on one of the ranged ones was helpful. The increase in the size of the hordes that attacked also helped with that. Thanks for upping the difficulty with those.

Definitely helpful improvements, but there are still a few issues that could be addressed to make it perfect. The melee zombies still have a collision issue when attacking. They can hit once, but then will stay on top of you and do no more damage if you move, even if they are faster than you. Maybe if you have the small super fast ones deal constant hits of one damage when they reach you and the slower harder hitting ones play the attack animation if they get close and hit you once they start it, unless they are killed.

Items are still all over the place. After the first level I had a full arsenal ready as I started the outside part of the next level. You should definitely cut down on the amount of items.

And I just noticed, you get a ton of experience pretty easily. I think I had about 30 points at the end of the first level (a lot from item pick ups). This allowed me decent agility, good precision upgrade, and a bit of stamina which made the rest of the game much easier. I kinda like the fact that I can get enough experience to actually use it to choose a decent build, but at the same time it makes it a little easy. This one I'm on the fence about changing or even how to fix it if you wanted to. Maybe make the upgrades do less of an increase.

Anyway, again, a great game. Definitely good atmosphere and zombies coming out of nowhere is always fun. It improved a decent amount in difficulty at first, but went back to being easy and still could use a little bit to make it a challenge. As with last time, I'll be eagerly awaiting the next installment.

Xplored responds:

Thanks for the long and detailed feedback. It's always welcome and useful.
Regarding the XP, just note: we give 25 XP at the beginning of the Act2 (maybe you didn't noticed them as soon as you started the game, so you believed you got 30 XP from few items collected, while you got just 5 directly from them): the reason for these 25 free starting XP is that Players using their GamerSafe character's stats, from Act 1 savegame, have increased stats by even more than 25 XP collected in Act1. We didn't want to give GamerSafe players a so important exclusive benefit, so we counterbalanced it giving 25 free XP to all not-GS players starting the game without a GS savegame from Act 1.
I hope my "Itanglish" language allow you to understand the point :D

I'll submit stuff when it doesn't suck, till then I'm inactive :P



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