Terrific Game
You guys have always made great zombie games, and this is one of the finest you've made so far. The graphics and music were both very good. The items were great, especially the flare which was a wonderful idea with how much darkness there is. I love the fact that there are so many shadows around to make it easier for a zombie to pop up on you. And of course a great surprise was the helicopter shooting scenes.
The voice acting was very good, and the story itself was decent. It'd be cool to see a little more than just a couple conversations though.
Now, despite all the greatness in this game, there are a few issues that make it a little lackluster or buggy.
The first and foremost problem is that it's easy... very very easy. Most zombies can't even reach me before dying, and the ranged attackers are relatively easy to dodge. Towards the end I had full precision and was just downing them in one-two shots with my pistol. Also, if you move literally as they try to attack, their hit will miss, so the melee zombies never hit me once. As a suggestion, perhaps some zombies that can jump around so they're harder to shoot, or faster projectiles from ranged zombies.
And as for the ranged zombies specifically, they would sometimes try to attack through walls, letting me know they're there cause I can see the splash. And it didn't happen every time, but sometimes while against a wall that they hit it would hit me with the splash from the attack.
Next, the amount of items/ammo. The items are littered EVERYWHERE. I never ran out of grenades, flares, or medkits. It's nice to have them, but it goes back to the being too easy thing. And I can understand infinite ammo on the handgun, but again, it makes it too easy. Add ammo to the handgun and a melee attack so you have to be more careful where you aim and it would help immensely.
And finally, it's repetitive. It's basically the same level played over 3 times. I understand the problems with trying to create a bit of diversity in a game like this, but it would help. Maybe have a few levels where you have to do more than just clear out the building and find the survivor. Maybe have one level where the building gets swarmed as you find the survivor and you have to hold your ground with them. Or, do what I was really hoping for, and add a boss battle or two in there.
Well, that's my two cents on it, this is a great game and is really fun, but it's extremely easy and it a little repetitive. Still, I enjoyed playing it and I look forward to the next installment. Good job on this one and sorry for the walls of text @.@